New Media are the rapidly changing new communication tools (such as the internet, websites created on mobile networks, news sites, search engines, blogs, wikis, and social media platforms) that emerged as a result of the convergence and intertwining of information technologies and communication networks and media sectors. Today, traditional media such as newspapers, radio, and TV tend to work in an integrated way through new media. All this makes acquired expertise in the New Media field critical.

KHAS New Media Department, the first department established in this field, aims to provide students with the ability to understand different channels of digital and mobile communication, develop data-based communication strategies and produce content for them.

Individuals who can take positions at crucial points in the digitalized world, anticipate and adapt to communication and technology-based changes, and are equipped with professional and universal values are trained in this department.

The New Media Department constantly updates its curriculum according to the developments. Within the framework of our University’s New Education Model, following the Core Program, our department’s curriculum has been rearranged so that project-oriented and project-based courses are at the forefront. Our courses are taught with the student’s active participation, and the sector partners are involved as mentors or modules adapted to the project.

In our department’s curriculum,

  • social media expertise,
  • big data and data visualization,
  • digital content production and management,
  • crypto money and blockchain applications,
  • digital application development workshops,
  • search engines and algorithms…

as well as the most up-to-date topics in the field.

The instruction is in English.

Relations with the Sector

KHAS New Media Department develops collaborations with the leading institutions of the sector (such as Facebook, Dağ Medya, Pikan Ajans, Olmadık Projeler, Contentus, Podfresh, with the transition to the Project-Based New Education Model. In the New Education Model, our sectoral partners actively define, execute, and evaluate projects. Our department also teaches journalists and journalism students about digital journalism, social media platforms, and storytelling. It organizes training in cooperation with Facebook and Habitat Association to develop non-governmental organizations on digital literacy.

International Partnerships

Our department has Erasmus agreements with various universities in Europe. For detailed information about Erasmus agreements, you can visit